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Error with form status bar after viewing form properties

Verfasst: Mi 18. Apr 2018, 14:15
von johnson29630
Just discovered ISN AutoIt Studio, this is what I need for AutoIt GUI projects!

I discovered a problem when using the Statusbar control. I can recreate it easily, and I've attached a test project.
(1.55 KiB) 1095-mal heruntergeladen
Steps to recreate:
- Create a new blank project
- Create a new .isf file
- View the GUI properties (no need to edit, but select the OK button)

When I test the form, I get an error (image attached)
error.jpg (26.33 KiB) 17578 mal betrachtet
I'm new, let me know if there is something I can do to correct this. Most controls I've tested work fine, but I also see this behavior with the Toolbar.

Re: Error with form status bar after viewing form properties

Verfasst: Do 19. Apr 2018, 10:10
von ISI360
Thanks for the Info!
It´s a little bug in the code generation. I will fix it with the next hotfix update.

Meanwhile i have a fixed exe for you:
-> Simply replace it in \Data\Plugins\FormStudio2


Re: Error with form status bar after viewing form properties

Verfasst: Fr 20. Apr 2018, 03:34
von johnson29630
Thanks for the quick patch!

I've been playing with AutoIt Studio over the past few days, and am impressed with the interface, especially the Form Studio. I've used AutoIt for utility work in the past, but graphical interfaces were never as convenient. Keep up the great work!

Re: Error with form status bar after viewing form properties

Verfasst: Fr 20. Apr 2018, 10:56
von ISI360
No problem ;)

Glad to hear you like the AutoIt Studio ;)