Die Suche ergab 8 Treffer

von HenrikR
Mi 2. Feb 2022, 10:19
Forum: English only
Thema: Unable to use my own variables in the gui editor
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 9074

Re: Unable to use my own variables in the gui editor

Ahh, great.
That worked.

Thanks for the help.

von HenrikR
Mi 26. Jan 2022, 13:11
Forum: English only
Thema: Unable to use my own variables in the gui editor
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 9074

Unable to use my own variables in the gui editor

Hi I have some info which I have defined in Autoit as a variable, in this case it is just $DateTime which contains the date and time, i can enter this line $DateTimeOnForm = GUICtrlCreateLabel($DateTime, 310, 20, 300, 25) and it will display the variable instead of the normal text entry. But I canno...
von HenrikR
Do 28. Nov 2019, 11:02
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: Error loading GUI from 1.09 into 1.10
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 15817

Re: Error loading GUI from 1.09 into 1.10

Great, looking forward to it.
von HenrikR
Do 21. Nov 2019, 15:35
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: Error loading GUI from 1.09 into 1.10
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 15817

Re: Error loading GUI from 1.09 into 1.10

Yes I am using x64, so I will switch to 32bit when using the gui editor.

Any idea when the next update will arrive :)

von HenrikR
Do 21. Nov 2019, 14:38
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: Error loading GUI from 1.09 into 1.10
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 15817

Error loading GUI from 1.09 into 1.10

Hi I have just updated to 1.10 and have the following issue. I have created a gui in 1.09 but when I try to open it in 1.10 it starts loading and then it gives the following error "This program is part of the ISN Autoit Studio and cannot be started separately". This is the log info 14:29:2...
von HenrikR
Do 31. Okt 2019, 16:42
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: Error trying to use a DllCall
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16732

Re: Error trying to use a DllCall

Hi Thanks for the help. I changed from 32bit to 64bit in the settings and now it works. I had not thought about 32 vs 64 bit at all. Again thanks. Also really great program. I do have one small issue, I cannot use GuiRichEdit controls in the GUI editor, or if I can, I am unable to figure it out :D B...
von HenrikR
Do 31. Okt 2019, 15:15
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: Error trying to use a DllCall
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16732

Re: Error trying to use a DllCall

Hi, Strange, but it is working perfectly in SciTE4AutoIt3.exe from 02-01-2019 wih Autoit3 v3.3.14.5, I have also installed v3.3.15.0 Beta but I very rarely use it. I am not the only to use it in Autoit as you can see here. https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/96248-dllcall-mediainfodll/ How can ...
von HenrikR
Do 31. Okt 2019, 12:40
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: Error trying to use a DllCall
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16732

Error trying to use a DllCall

Hi if I use the following code inside ISN it gives me this error, "Y:\DP\Users\Utils\AutoIT\ItunesRewrite\filesfunction.au3" (397) : ==> Subscript used on non-accessible variable.: $hMediaInfo = $aMediaInfo[0] $hMediaInfo = $aMediaInfo^ ERROR I have tried creating an new project with only ...